2012-present: Director General of ScienceConsult.
2012-2018: Director General of the International Dairy Federation, which represents the global dairy sector towards intergovernmental organizations and other stakeholders.
2003-2012: Executive Director of the European branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI Europe), which facilitates scientific cooperation between government, academia and industry. Represented ILSI Europe, and sometimes ILSI worldwide, towards EFSA, EC, FAO, WHO etc.
1998-2003: R&D management positions at DMV International, the B2B division of Campina. Established a new laboratory to study the efficacy of bioactive ingredients. Involved in product development, biochemical and physical analyses of food ingredients and pharmaceutical excipients, marketing support, business development and due diligence.
1994-1998: Research group leader at Dept. Hematology, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Established a method to use rearranged immunoglobulin genes as markers for intermediate/high grade B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Also taught post-academic molecular biology and internet courses.
1990-1994: Research group leader at Dept. Pathology, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Cloned cancer-related genes, e.g. Drg1/NDRG1 that is now used in cancer diagnostics.
1990: PhD in cell biology (EGF receptor signal transduction), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
1986: MSc Biology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.